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Assertiveness & Influencing Skills Online Course for Doctors, Nurses & Healthcare Professionals
- Online / E-learning course (4 online modules plus a live webinar).
- This course covers the essential models of assertiveness and influencing, and provides a strong insight into the dynamics of one-to-one interactions.
- It offers tools and methods that you can implement immediately.
- Fully compliant with portfolio and CCT requirements with 6 CPD points/hours.
- You will get 90 days' access to the online modules.
- This course also includes a two-hour online live and interactive webinar (8 candidates maximum).
Booking form
This booking form is for 90 days' access to all online modules AND a two-hour online LIVE and INTERACTIVE webinar. To book your webinar slot now, select the date/time below. If you prefer to book later, select the option "I will book my two-hour webinar later" and we will be in touch.
In addition to the online material, I would like to book onto the following two-hour webinar session:
Assertiveness and Influencing Course Overview
ISC Medical's online assertiveness and influencing skills course is designed for any doctor, nurse, healthcare professional or manager who would like to become more confident and successful at changing the behaviour of other people (such as patients, doctors, nurses, managers and third parties/stakeholders). The course covers all aspects of assertiveness and influencing, including:
- Personal power
- Influencing styles such as authoritative, aggressive, assertive and non-assertive
- The meaning and practical manifestations of assertiveness
- Transactional analysis
- Use of language
- Building rapport
- Social styles
During this extremely informative and practical course, you will discover and practise world-leading assertiveness and influencing techniques.

The online assertiveness and influencing skills course consists of four computer-based modules, plus a two-hour online webinar.
MODULE 1 - Assertiveness
This module looks at the concepts of Personal Power, Rights and Responsibilities, and Transactional Analysis. It also provides models you can use to be more assertive in different situations, whether you just want to say 'no', whether you are dealing with an aggressive or a passive person, or want to give confident feedback.
MODULE 2 - Influencing
This module discusses the concept of influencing, with a particular focus on the Social Styles model, used universally around the world. The Social Styles model will enable you to determine how your own natural approach to dealing with issues differs from that of others. It will also give you tools to build a better connection/rapport with those you seek to influence so you can obtain better results.
MODULE 3 - Wrap Up and Personal Learning
MODULE 4 - Additional resources
During the webinar, you will get the chance to discuss all the topics you studied during the online modules and to practise some techniques too. After attending the webinar, you will receive your certificate for 6 CPD points.
Why Choose This Course?
Fully up-to-date and evidence-based
The course uses world-recognised theories and techniques, ensuring that you benefit from the full breadth of research in the assertiveness and influencing arena.
A course written and delivered by experts
The course content, material and delivery is assured by experienced trainers with knowledge of both the corporate and the medical word, thus providing the widest possible range of training opportunities and mixing a corporate business approach with strong clinical relevance.
We make complex issues easy to understand
All participants appreciate our ability to make dry, complex and opaque topics sound interesting and lively. We know what you need and how to approach it. Our assertiveness and influencing skills course for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals contains a mix of plenary sessions and practical exercises to ensure that you can approach the relevant concepts from both a theoretical and practical angle, thereby optimising your learning experience.
The small-group live webinar makes all the difference
As well as all the online material , you have the opportunity to consolidate your learning through a live online webinar during which you can talk directly to one of our trainers and consolidate your learning further. The webinar acts as a validation tool, making it possible for us to offer you the full 6 CPD points certificate.

What Our Clients Say
"The course has really taught me how to say 'no' to people in a constructive manner without feeling guilty about it. I have also learnt a lot about ways in which I can get people to do what I want them to do without leaving a bad feeling. Thank you for this very useful course."
"I was sent to this course by my trust, not because I lacked assertiveness, but on the contrary because they thought I was over-assertive (code for control freak or bully I think...). The course was extremely useful in helping me distinguish between assertiveness, aggressivity, and authority, and I have learnt a lot of things that I can take on board to be a better people manager. A real life-saver."
"As a manager I often get into conflict with doctors, particularly when it comes to budgetary or efficiency issues. Those conflicts often led to difficult conversations that I found hard to handle. The course gave me real confidence in approaching my negotiations with those clinicians, particularly in terms of understanding how I can deal with personalities who are vastly different to mine. A very good course which I would recommend to clinicians and managers alike."
"As a radiologist, saying 'no' has never been a problem. The main issue is that I was never able to do so without ruffling a few feathers. The course has provided with really good insight of how I can remain assertive without risking negative consequences and also about how to deal with difficult colleagues who can't take no for an answer. I have also learnt a lot about how to negotiate with people from different backgrounds. Over the past year I have been tearing my hair out to get an IT company to deliver a piece of software on time. I now know how I can handle technical people with more assurance at a level they understand."
"As a medical student, I was originally concerned that ending up on a course with established clinicians and managers would be a little overwhelming, but I really enjoyed it. The course was very good and very well run and I have now gained more confidence in speaking during ward rounds, pestering registrars to find patients that are of interest, and generally speaking up when appropriate."